It’s easy to check brake fluid by seeing the level of the brake fluid but it won’t tell you if it needs to be changed. Here is how to check if your brake fluid is safe.

WARNING: Use quality, reputable equipment when you are working on your brake system.

Check Brake Fluid Condition

What are we testing for?

We are checking the brake fluid for it’s moisture content.

Why are we testing?

Brake fluid is hydroscopic ie it absorbs water from the air. As more moisture is absorbed the boiling point of brake fluid reduces. As the brake fluid boiling point reduces the brake pedal becomes softer.

When the brake fluid boils it creates air pockets in your brake lines. Air is compressible. At best this leads to a soft brake pedal. If the boiling is bad enough the brake pedal could go to the floor leading to a loss in braking power.

How are we testing?

There are low cost brake fluid testers available at the usual online market places. We put the electrodes into the brake fluid in the reservoir and it will tells us if the amount of moisture in the brake fluid is excessive or dangerous.

Tools Required?

Just the brake fluid tester (but some rags to soak up brake fluid if any is spilt is a bonus)

How do we test brake fluid condition?

Open your brake fluid reservoir

Insert the tester probes into the fluid, press the button and wait for the result.

If the result is good, top up your brake fluid level if you need to, other wise screw the top back on and call it a day.

If the results are bad, ie too much moisture then you should flush the brake system to get rid of the old brake fluid and then refill and bleed your brake system starting with the wheel furthest away from the brake fluid reservoir.

Here is a great guide on how to bleed your brakes

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